Where is the odoo documentation?

Documentation has always been lacking in the odoo project.  Mostly this is a problem of the speed of evolution that TinyERP has evolved into OpenERP and now Odoo.  Currently odoo is struggling with how to align development resources: improving the user experience and making it more intuitive or developing documentation that may need to be completely rewritten in a year with the changes of the next version.

Odoo plans to write four documents for version 8 within a month or so.  The first two will be given priority and the others will come as time permits.  Ongoing progress can be viewed in odoo’s dev branch.

  • Developer tutorial
  • Designer tutorial
  • Developer reference guide
  • API guide

So the odoo community and various developers have come to the rescue to some success and various levels of quality.

So what resources are available on the net?

Version 8

Version 7

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